Bulk Rename Utility is released!

Announcements regarding new releases etc

Bulk Rename Utility is released!

Postby Admin » Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:57 pm

Bulk Rename Utility Version has been released. This version includes some major new enhancements, bringing speed, stability and functionality improvements:

Revision History
!=Bug, +=new feature / enhancement / change

+ Escape key can be used to abort a scanning operation
+ New option to process files in reverse sequence
+ Trying to launch a 2nd instance now correctly updates the 1st instance
+ Additional version with native 64-bit compilation (fast!)
+ New option to retain autonumber between operations
+ Extensions in filenames can now be ignored (much like for Folders)
+ Minor screen reformatting
+ All files now built using Visual Studio 2005 instead of Visual Studio 6
! Fix crash on Windows 2000 (only 2000) when using Logical Sorting
! Inconsistent handling of hidden folders in the tree

Please visit here to visit the download page.
Site Admin
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Joined: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:39 pm

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