Merry Christmas and Happy Coming New Year!
I use a OTA TV tuner to capture media. The filenames include a bunch of 'stuff' that makes my media managers not happy.
I have succeeded in getting it down quite a bit, but my OCD in me wants to get rid of the last space before the .extension.
I have this file format:
Call of the Wild 19851211 [20241222-2300].mpg
With using Remove (5) options set at Digits, D/S, Sym. and Crop after [ I can get it down to this:
Call of the Wild .mpg
That one space is a challenge. I thought I could check off Replace (3) by putting in [physical space].mpg with just .mpg and it would remove the [physical space], but nothing happens.
If I just put a [physical space] in the Replace (3) all the spaces go away. It's when I add the . for the extension, nothing changes. Not sure why the period is holding it up??