Hi there,
Is it possible to use the Bulk Rename Utility to rename file metadata, specifically the 'Classification' field in Windows Explorer file properties?
I appreciate any help you can provide.
Admin wrote:FYI, renaming / adding file tags is something we plan to add to BRU in a future release.
therube wrote:While I see that Property, Classification, I am certainly not getting a good idea of what it is for nor how to "access it"?
On my end (Win7) I'm not seeing that any of my files have "Classification" set.
Did see something about a "Classification Manager" (that is presumably a Windows feature?), but that too is for not on my end?
What OS are you on, Windows Server?
Robbo247 wrote:Admin wrote:FYI, renaming / adding file tags is something we plan to add to BRU in a future release.
That would be a great feature for BRU, would you have a rough release date on this?