I use BRU extensively to rename files that I have downloaded from the web. It handles almost everything I need to do with two exceptions, these being
1) Converting from camlCase to more readable formats. To do this 1oo% accurately would probably be difficult because of embedded acronyms and other awkward cases but just supporting the automatic insertion of blanks between any lower case letter and a following upper case letter would greatly reduce the work that I now have to do separately for each file.
2) Changing the format of dates embedded in file names. Most of the file that I rename include a date in a fixed position in their file name (usually the first field after possibly removing a fixed length prefix). In many cases this can easily be renamed to my preferred date format, yyyy-mm-dd, by inserting hyphens or changing the separator and by prefixing with 19 or 20 if a two digit year number had been used. However, when different date formats are encountered the effort required to rename the files is much higher and an automatic way to convert a fixed field in each file name from one date format to another would be appreciated.