OS might make a difference?
I was able to easily create the "correct" filename, 10áhi.txt, on Win7.
XP is giving me something different.
That accented-a is hex FF (in Win7).
Though when I copy the name from the board here, & try to recreate it - on XP, even though it still looks like an accented-a, it is hex E1?
Seems a non-breaking space need not necessarily be FF (Alt+0160), as in it could be some other character that you are "seeing".
When typing into the command line, if you start with:
with the cursor set between the two colons,
then hold down the Alt+(numkey)0160,
then release the Alt key,
you should see the colons "space over", so it will look like,
& what looks "blank" is actually your non-blanking space.
These 3 files were created under XP.
The two "NOT's" by pasting the name in, as copied from the forum here.
The one that actually works, that would actually be renamed, I created using the ALT+numkey method.
- Code: Select all
Filename 10áhi, now this IS non-blanking space.txt would be renamed to 10CharlieXCXhi, now this
IS non-blanking space.txt
Filename 10ßhi-NOT.txt requires no changes
Filename 10ßhi-NOT2.txt requires no changes