I’d like to be able to rename files from a given point up to the “.ext”. I often have a group of files with the same bit (in terms of character length) at the beginning (e.g., “Bayberry Sauna 01”, “Bayberry Sauna 02”, etc.) but then characters of varying length thereafter (e.g., “terse ver xxx” or terse ver xxxxxx” etc.).
I’d like to be able to keep the bit at beginning and then delete everything up to the “.docx” or “.pdf” etc. So:
“Bayberry Sauna 01 terse ver xxx.pdf”
“Bayberry Sauna 02 terse ver xx.pdf”
“Bayberry Sauna 03 terse ver xxxxxxx.pdf”
All changed to:
“Bayberry Sauna 01.pdf”
“Bayberry Sauna 02.pdf”
“Bayberry Sauna 03.pdf”
Have I missed something? Seems that this isn’t currently possible. A sort of, keep this bit in the base filename and delete everything from that point up until the extension.